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How to Deal With Heavy Snow on Your Vinyl Deck
Mother Nature has not been kind to everyone this winter. From the east coast to the Midwest, decks have accumulated much more than average snowfall.
While in the midst of brutal winter storms, your deck is probably not your first priority but still will need to be made passable and safe until the spring weather and warmer temperatures make it your favorite place once again.
To get the longest life from your Duradek vinyl deck, we wanted to take a moment to remind you of how to best use and care for your deck with heavy snow conditions.
Winter Deck Care with Heavy Snow Fall
Duradek’s Walkable Rooftop Deck and Waterproofing Vinyl allows for easy and worry-free winter deck care. Duradek patterns and colors are beautiful all year round, but to ensure that you get the most longevity in your deck’s appearance when the wicked winter weather attempts to bury your deck under a mountain of ice and snow, we’ve got a couple of simple tips for you to follow.
#1 – Use Only a Plastic Snow Shovel
The use of metal snow shovels or metal edged snow shovels may risk puncturing your vinyl when you are digging into the snow…particularly with deep snow or thick ice that requires the use of extra force. Be safe, not sorry, and use only a plastic snow shovel on your vinyl deck.
#2 – Be Sure to Use a De-icer if You Walk on Your Deck in the Winter Conditions
While Duradek has some slip resistance built into the vinyl, when covered in snow or ice it is going to be as slippery as any other surface covered with snow or ice. If your Duradek is at an entranceway or other areas where you will traverse it during the winter months, please do not be hesitant to use a de-icing agent. Your Duradek can handle it and your safety always comes first.
#3 – If you Use A De-Icer, Be Sure to Clean it Off Before Spring
Though it is totally fine to use a de-icer on your Duradek vinyl deck, it is very important to clean your deck with soap and water, and rinse it off thoroughly before the spring and summer sunshine returns. The sun can actually ‘bake’ the chemicals into the vinyl surface and compromise its appearance, so be sure to clean and rinse off any de-icing agents used through the winter.
(Whether using de-icing agents or not, we would recommend a light seasonal cleaning to keep your deck looking fresh and to avoid heavy accumulation of dirt over time.)
So for all of the folks out there that have decks buried under snow…let’s hope the groundhog was right and winter is almost over!