Floating Deck System Applications

Roofing Approved Waterproofing for Floating Deck Systems with Duradek’s Plazadek System

Floating deck systems may be chosen for the desired look of the wear surface. Often, they are selected for high traffic or commercial roof deck systems that are subject to abuse. Using stamped concrete pavers, duckboards, panels, or other types of overlay products can be a preferred pedestrian surface for these types of heavy wear areas. Overlay products address the burden of heavy pedestrian traffic and Duradek’s Plazadek System provides the waterproofing solution ideally suited for use with floating deck systems for complete waterproof protection.

In the past, floating deck systems or plaza deck systems typically referred to a raised concrete deck with a waterproofing membrane applied to it, then the walkable wear surface over top. Those types of heavy concrete-constructed commercial buildings can easily accommodate weight and height roofing issues at the design stage. With the variety of products on the market today, there are more options to apply floating roof deck applications into the residential and light commercial space on wood frame construction.

Whether the wear surface is heavy stone or light synthetic boards, Duradek’s Plazadek System is the ideal waterproofing membrane for floating deck systems. It uses the proven waterproof performance of the Duradek membrane which is often preferred to traditional roofing products like torch-on in wood frame construction.

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