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Duradek’s Fuzzy Backed Waterproof Vinyl is Backed Up By Third-Party Testing
Duradek’s well-known PVC waterproof vinyl membranes are some of the most tested and reliable in the industry. The time-tested woven-backed vinyl membranes of the Duradek Ultra line have a durability and performance reputation that makes it easily one of the most reliable methods of sheet vinyl waterproofing for use on walkable roof-top applications.
While the woven-back Ultra membranes are a reliable and long-lasting waterproofing solution for your decks and balconies, Duradek offers another option for builders who want to complete their waterproofing projects at a slightly lower cost and with the installation convenience of a fuzzy-backed membrane.
Waterproof Vinyl Testing and Approvals
Duradek Ultra Okanagan vinyl membranes are the non-woven membrane that also comes with an excellent 10-year waterproofing warranty as the Duradek Ultra line with the woven back. The Duradek Ultra Okanagan is manufactured to the same stringent standards as all Duradek products and is now third-party evaluated as meeting the requirements for use as a walkable roofing membrane.
Quality Auditing Institute (QAI) has determined through an Evaluation Test and Report that the Duradek Ultra Okanagan membrane meets the requirements of CAN/CGSB-37.54-95 standard for “Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Roofing and Waterproofing Membrane”. CAN/CGSB-37.54-95 is cited as the applicable standard for PVC single-ply membranes by the National Building Code of Canada, International Building and Residential Codes, ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria, CCMC Technical Guide and Industry Standards.
CAN/CGSB-37.54-95 is a material standard which also provides basis for evaluating PVC membranes used on decking subject to pedestrian traffic. Some of the tests expose the membrane to the severest criteria in the roofing industry.
For further information on Duradek’s product testing and performance, check the Duradek Testing and Approvals page online and see for yourself that Duradek holds its product performance and quality assurance to the highest standards.