Flat Roof Transformation Creates Outdoor Living Space – Duradek Case History #173

A flat roof transformation is possible by taking an unsightly, torch-on flat roof and creating low-maintenance, usable leisure space.


This homeowner wanted to transform an unattractive flat roof into usable outdoor living space. The torch on flat roof they had was not only unattractive but retained too much heat in the summertime. With no guard rails in place, it was not a safe, usable place to enjoy some outdoor leisure space.

Torch-on flat roof
A flat roof transformation was desperately needed with this unattractive roofing product that was allowing leaks into the structure below.

They also discovered that torch on flat roofing lifts and bubbles from trapped moisture, causing leaks. Expansion and contraction through the seasons caused cracks which resulted in immediate waterproofing failure.

This waterproofing failure allowed moisture penetration, and rot would develop quickly, so they gave Duradek MidAtlantic a call.

The flat roof was allowing moisture into the structure below, making wood rot inevitable.


The failed torch on product was removed and fresh, untreated ¾ʺ T&G plywood was laid at the recommended slope to accept the Duradek Cork Graphite Vinyl membrane.

Duradek’s professional installation details treat all interior perimeters including the door threshold, so there is added confidence that the building envelope is completely protected.

Since Duradek is both a classified roofing membrane and a pedestrian traffic surface, they economically turned their flat roof into a useable deck by including new Durarail Aluminum Picket Railings to match the new trim.

Flat roof transformation from Duradek and Durarail created a new leisure deck for the homeowners
Duradek vinyl decking meets building code roofing requirements and provides an attractive surface in one product solution.

Now, previously wasted space that was a point of waterproof vulnerability provides safe, protected and useable outdoor living space.

Flat roof transformation from Duradek creates usable space
Duradek viny decking and Durarail aluminum railing systems are the ideal, low maintenance solution for a flat roof transformation.


Not only is torch on roofing too hot for bare feet and paws, but due to being all black, it retains heat and superheats the structure leading to higher air conditioning costs. Duradek provides an attractive, safe
and environmentally friendly solution for roof decks; and much nicer on bare feet! Check out our selection of Cool-Dek colors.

View or download the .pdf version of Case History #173 for the complete case history with installer details and before and after pictures.

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