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Building Envelope Professionals Exchange Ideas and Lessons Learned at the Annual BCBEC Conference
The building envelope is perhaps one of the most critical elements in residential construction. Today the British Columbia Building Envelope Council (BCBEC) holds its annual conference and AGM at the Fairmont Hotel in Vancouver, BC with a conference theme titled “Evolution of the Building Envelope: Past Experiences to Innovation”.
This compelling, one-day symposium provides the platform for industry wide knowledge exchange and thought-provoking conversation that discuss lessons learned from past experiences, setting the stage for advanced solutions and innovation.
Duradek has learned (and taught) a lot about how deck waterproofing ties into the building envelope over the years. Headquartered in BC, Duradek has been mastering solutions for protecting the integrity of the building envelope for over 40 years with its sheet vinyl and professional installation techniques. With complete consideration to water management and integration into the entire building envelope, Duradek has earned a reputation as the leader in pvc membrane waterproofing and is frequently relied on as experts in the field of waterproofing solutions for flat roofs, sundecks and balconies.
Duradek’s regional sales manager, Winston Conyers is onsite at the BCBEC Conference to take part in this important industry event and to provide consultation on how Duradek contributes to the integrity of the building envelop in both single family and multi-family residences.
Duradek vinyl membranes are the original, walkable roofing membrane. Whether used on roof deck applications over living space or on adjacent deck or balcony applications, Duradek is applied only by trained and authorized installers to ensure that the necessary waterproofing details required to protect the structure are professionally assessed and installed. Whether for construction professionals or property management professionals, the importance of reliable waterproofing solutions cannot be underestimated.
In beautiful British Columbia, the functional use of outdoor living space has been common practice for many years so it makes sense that it is where vinyl waterproof membranes for decks was first created and used. Duradek has helped to extend the home’s living space outwards, and in doing so, has also played a critical role in how deck waterproofing has evolved and how it integrates into the proper sequencing of professional building envelope protection.
Even If you are not attending this year’s BC BEC Annual General Meeting and Conference, you can get an overview of topics attendees will absorb and that will earn them Continuing Education credits.
BC BEC Annual General Meeting and Conference 2016 Program
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Understanding Balcony to Wall Interface Rehabilitation
Related White Paper:
The Ds of Decking: Waterproofing Flat Roof Decks
If you are in the architectural community and would like to bring quality education on walkable roofing membranes to your team, you can request a face-to-face presentation from one of our Duradek waterproofing experts or take our online continuing education course, “Walkable, PVC Roof Deck Membranes” hosted at AEC